Norton Mass Times
Monday 5:30 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM
Wednesday 5:30 PM (Except 1st Wednesday of the Month 7:30 AM)
Thursday 5:30 PM (Except 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month 7:30 AM)
Friday 7:30 AM
Saturday 8:00 AM Fatima Mass
Saturday 5:30 PM Weekend Mass
Sunday 10:30 AM
New Almelo Mass Times
Tuesday 8:45 AM
Sunday 8:00 AM
Wednesday - every 1st Wednesday of the Month 5:30 PM Mass followed by Adoration 6pm-7pm.
Andbe Home Mass Times
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month 9:00 AM
Prison Mass Times
Every 1st Thursday of the Month 5:45 PM and 7PM
Every 3rd Thursday of the Month 7:30 PM
CONFESSIONS: Weekdays 30 minutes before Mass. Saturday Confessions: 4:30 PM -5:15 PM.
Confessions are as scheduled or any other time upon request.